Saturday, July 31, 2010

melbourne-the beginning

dear babes,

so i think its time to finally start this blog this cuz its so hard to keep so many of hunnies up to date.
i do have a cell phone here (and yes its already nail polished), but its pretty expensive to call u guys so i'll try to keep current on this thing and with emails and stuff.

hmm... last night i couldnt sleep, so i set off at 530 to start my day. there is a farmers market right down the street from my nasty housing thing, apparently its the biggest outdoor farmers market in victoria (the state that melbourne is in). fruits and veggies are soooo delicuos and cheap, u b-bowlers would really dig it.

i was getting coffee and pizza for breakfast (cant help it, so damn good) and i started talking to this old fellow in line. he asked me if i wanted to join him for breakfast so i did, and i was telling him that i was looking for work. one thing led to another and he introduced me to his friend who runs a fruit/veggie stand at the market. she had her 15 year old daughter "interview me" aka she had me doing all these math problems to make sure i wasnt a tard. turns out i am, but they hired me anyway and i started working on the spot. it was sweet, and i worked all day. tomorrow i have to be there at 6am, and fridays and sat i have to be there at 4. the pay is pretty shitty- 12/hour. typical minimum wage here is between $15 and $20.

my roomie is kewl. shes from new zealand. shes a ginger and very tall.

hope everything at home is good. miss u guys. love you.

oh, and pardon the blog name, everything else was taken.
